The Civilla Morgan Blog

White paper

I have been planning my strategy for quite some time now. What do I say? How much do I say, when? Then, in November I made the life-changing decision to quit my job. I had never done anything like that before. I have been laid off after 11 years of service, and I have been fired…once, after two and half

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That’s the spirit!

Spirit.  This word is used to describe everything from personalities to apparitions.  People with spirit are typically described as having high energy, being the life of the party, and easy to get along with. Some people even call alcoholic beverages spirits.  Going just a little further, sometimes people use the term spirit as a verb. Example: ‘the kids spirited away

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I intend to…

Intention. It seems like an innocuous word filled with hope doesn’t it? Honestly, it’s a word that gets on my nerves because it is usually preceded by some task that was supposed to be completed but was not.  Usually the task or event was not done because something else got in the way.  ‘I intended to wash the dishes, but

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What’s your struggle?

What if we used our struggles to better ourselves, instead of fighting against our struggles.  Most people want to hide their struggles, their weakness, their faults, and their failures.  What if we admitted them and then used them to make us better, lessening their effect on us and on those around us?  How can we do that you ask?  It

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Last week I posted my first ever video blog entitled ‘It is time’. Click this link to listen to the video. In this post, I would like to follow up to ‘It is time’.  When you make the decision to step out, to make that big crazy move, that is when distraction will come.  It may seem innocent enough,

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Late last year I went back to the Caribbean Island my family is from, to attend the funeral of a family member.  Of course it was a sad occasion, but as preparations were underway, some days we took the opportunity to stop for lunch at a nearby restaurant.  I walked ahead of the family members I had traveled with that

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God is not stupid

Many of us have heard of, if not seen, the movie ‘God is not dead’.  It was a great reminder of the fact that God is indeed alive and well, and living…in the universe and in the hearts of his followers. But sometimes I wonder how many of us realize God is not stupid.  You see, I believe many of

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Convert or die!

I never thought I would hear those words during my life time: convert or die!  The stories coming out of Iraq right now are fluid, but they are not changing much.  People–Christians and other ethnic minorities are being chased out of Iraq simply because they do not maintain the same beliefs as the militants that are chasing them.  Some of

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Trust and obey

Many of us are familiar with the hymn ‘Trust and Obey’, written by John Sammis. ‘Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey’.   Many times I have looked back at situations in my life, thankful I had obeyed God when He told me to do something. Most of the

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